About Me

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Alexandria, VA
I am a busy working mom. Professionally I am a lifecoach,nonprofit fundraiser & manager, writer and editor. Most of my career has been in the nonprofit industry. I have done a few other things here and there along the way, which contribute to my background as a coach. I have two bold and beautiful children who add tremendously to my life. In 2009 I "put out my shingle" as a lifecoach. Reaching this milestone in my life is an acknowledgment of who I am authentically, and will allow me to use my experiences and innate gifts to help others. It's an exciting time in my life. I'm sure you'll hear more about it here.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Tomorrow is another day... or is it?

I have had some recent experiences that make me realize how truly blessed I am, and how important it is to embrace life and the people you share it with.

I had been living on autopilot... since my divorce and perhaps for awhile before. I live a fast- paced life, for I have always believed in living life to its fullest. But even with that philosophy, things had become dimmer, not as meaningful. I wasn’t feeling the urgency to do things right away. I was taking people in my life for granted, and had even stopped dreaming, without realizing it. And I was wondering why I had this nagging feeling of dissatisfaction, despite my blessings.

I have two children that I adore, who are bright, fun and add so much to the texture of my life. I have a job that challenges me (a bit too much at times...LOL) and I work with people that I like and respect. I have met someone that has real potential. But I was keeping him at bay. I have known God since I was a child, but I have not been as faithful as I could be in my walk.

*cue violins please*

But despite these blessings, I was spending so much time focusing on the negative... "poor me" the single mom/divorcee... not enough money, not enough time, I'm tired... on and on.

Thank God I woke up! And I thank God for putting the people in my life to help me to experience life more fully. This is getting long so I'll close now.

I just implore you to enjoy your life... NOW. There will always be things we don't like, or want to improve, but take a minute and really count your blessings. I'm sure there are many more than you think about on a day to day basis. Value the loved ones in your life. Some of us have had loss and hardship, and may be struggling with health issues or other crises. The richness of life is in our relationships. And every day is a new beginning.

Truth is... Tomorrow IS NOT PROMISED. Make the most of each day!

Something to think about: Are there areas of your life that you would like to change? Perhaps a big goal that you have set but not moved to make happen? What’s keeping you from living life fully? Pick one thing to do differently – or one person to reach out to – today! You won’t regret it.

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