About Me

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Alexandria, VA
I am a busy working mom. Professionally I am a lifecoach,nonprofit fundraiser & manager, writer and editor. Most of my career has been in the nonprofit industry. I have done a few other things here and there along the way, which contribute to my background as a coach. I have two bold and beautiful children who add tremendously to my life. In 2009 I "put out my shingle" as a lifecoach. Reaching this milestone in my life is an acknowledgment of who I am authentically, and will allow me to use my experiences and innate gifts to help others. It's an exciting time in my life. I'm sure you'll hear more about it here.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


I have had the pleasure of a recent experience that is helping me to really understand the value of living a life purposefully and in contribution. I just completed a 90 day leadership program, which challenged us to stretch and grow in literally every area of our lives.

Hanging Out My Shingle
As a result of this program, I accomplished two major goals, among others. First, I launched a new business as a life coach – a career for which I feel I have been preparing my entire life. When I tell people what I am doing, I get comments like “of course – that’s perfect for you!” I had thought about it one time a number of years ago, but I was so wedded to my current career path in nonprofit fundraising in management. For some reason, I discounted the thought almost immediately, saying, “that’s not who you are, you’re a fundraiser.” I then set about continuing along that predetermined career path without another thought – until earlier this year. I find it ironic that while I have made some life changes in the past, this was something that I didn’t really think was possible for someone who is nearing mid-life. This belief was despite the many stories I had heard about people attaining educational goals like earning college degrees, and meeting physical challenges like climbing mountains – all after the age of 60. For more on my new venture (and a definition of the term "life coach"), visit me at www.perspectivespluscoaching.com.

Stepping it Up for Breast Cancer Awareness
The second major goal was to immerse myself very personally in the issue of breast cancer awareness - by interviewing and meeting women who have been affected by the disease. My friends and family already know my personal connections to this disease – I have two friends who are living triumphant lives despite the scourge of breast cancer. One friend is a survivor, and the other is fighting her own battle after losing her mother to the disease. I also am participating in the Susan G. Komen 3 Day Breast Cancer Walk in October for the second year. This, however, was different. During this 90 day period I was able to declare the intention of publishing a book featuring breast cancer survivors and others affected by the disease, to meet and talk to women about their own battle, form friendships and make connections among my new and old friends to foster fellowship, healing, and connection. This resulted in my publishing the first of a series of newsletters on the disease, which I also plan to work with a colleague to turn into a book.

If you are interested, email me and I’ll be more than happy to share it with you!

Up until this point, I was content with my life (well kind of). I have two children that I adore, a job that is challenging and rewarding and fits my core values, and I have been blessed with many friends, family and loved ones that add richness and value to my life. What more can a woman ask for? However, this experience taught me how much richer our lives can be – how much broader our impact can be. I’m just beginning, but it feels great!

OK, yes, I’m gushing. But I’m sure I’m not the only one… please share things that are happening in your life that you are excited about – that make you realize the value of connecting on a person-to-person, heart-to-heart basis.

If you have not had the blessing of experiencing this feeling, I implore you to act with urgency – search your heart for something that you can do to contribute to this world of ours. Do the research and follow up on it. Then DO IT! I guarantee that you’ll be glad you did!

For more information on the program I completed, ask me! Or visit momentumeducation.com, and tell them Trina sent you. :)

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