About Me

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Alexandria, VA
I am a busy working mom. Professionally I am a lifecoach,nonprofit fundraiser & manager, writer and editor. Most of my career has been in the nonprofit industry. I have done a few other things here and there along the way, which contribute to my background as a coach. I have two bold and beautiful children who add tremendously to my life. In 2009 I "put out my shingle" as a lifecoach. Reaching this milestone in my life is an acknowledgment of who I am authentically, and will allow me to use my experiences and innate gifts to help others. It's an exciting time in my life. I'm sure you'll hear more about it here.

Friday, July 10, 2009

What We Can Learn From Michael


I hesitated to add more to the media storm following the untimely death of Michael Jackson. His story is well known, and the events surrounding his death and burial have been all over the news.

However, after watching the memorial service on TV, it caused me to reflect on the things that people were saying about him that were either unknown or glossed over amidst all of the controversy that has followed him over the years. What I got from those who reflected on his life was this: that in addition to the sheer power of the man’s stardom, his talent, his fame, and yes, his eccentricities, there was a man with a good heart, who wanted to make a difference in the world.

I could go on doing a laundry list of the powerful songs he produced promoting love, understanding, racial reconciliation and healing. I could chronicle how generous the man was – how many charities he contributed to, etc. From what I understand, he has given the most of any celebrity. But all of that has been covered already in recent events chronicling his life and his legacy.

Here I want to focus on things that we can learn about how he chose to live his life. There is nothing new here really, but it’s always nice to have a reminder of the following principles that can add to the richness of our life:

  1. Make the most of each day. As we can see from his death at just 50, tomorrow is not promised to any of us. Accidents and other bad things happen all the time. If you were to truly live each day as if it were your last, what would you do differently? What relationships would you repair? What dreams would you pursue that you are waiting for the “right time” to get started?

  2. Never accept less than your very best. It is well known that Michael was a perfectionist. He pushed himself as an entertainer, to be bigger, better, more. He competed against himself. Do you give your all to the things you put your hand to? Why or why not? Do you find yourself lacking enthusiasm about your life? Maybe it’s time to examine things and consider making some changes, so that you will be excited about things again.

  3. Show love, give love, and BE love. It goes without saying that Michael was all about love. He was very giving, he was very caring, and he sang about not only romantic love, but love for humanity, and healing our world of the hurts that have plagued us. In my humble opinion, we have become so rushed and stressed as a society that we have forgotten how to take the time to treat one another decently. You get what you give – it’s karma. Try being more patient and loving and I’m sure you’ll get some of it back! Take the time to TELL your loved ones that you love them.

  4. Live with passion. What a gift it is to find your passion in life, and to find a way to get paid for it! Michael was an entertainer extraordinaire. He was passionate about being the best he could be in his profession, and wanted to leave the world a bit better than when he came. And I think he succeeded at both. What is YOUR passion? Do you get to enjoy it during your work, a hobby or favorite cause? If not, I encourage you to find a way to incorporate the things that you are passionate about into your day to day life.

  5. Find a way to make a contribution. Michael was a great humanitarian. Of course, he had also amassed an estate that afforded him to be able to make very generous contributions, and the fame that allowed him access to just about anyone in the world – world leaders, politicians, etc. But you don’t have to be a famous millionaire to make a difference. You can start right in your own community. Giving feels good. Think about how you feel when someone likes a birthday or Christmas gift that you chose. Now imagine what it would be like to give to someone who really needed your help. You can give of your money, your time, or your talents. Find a way to make a difference. You won’t regret it!

  6. Don’t be afraid to be different. Michael was certainly one-of-a-kind. He of course got a lot of negative attention along with the fame and accolades for his talent. But he didn’t let his being different stop him. I daresay he pushed to continue to distinguish himself as the unique individual that he was, and it was one of the reasons he was so revered and imitated. It’s easy to blend in, not make waves. On the contrary how bold and daring it is to step out and be different – yes to OWN that difference as one of our gifts to the world! What makes you different? Do you celebrate that difference? Do you highlight it, or work to avoid people noticing it? Why or why not?

  7. Take risks. Step outside your comfort zone. I know… You’re thinking, “Whoa! Now you’re going too far!” Bear with me for a minute. If you really believe that life is for living, what can you do to push yourself out of your comfort zone? Maybe it’s a new haircut or outfit. Maybe you can introduce yourself to that person you’ve been watching at the coffee shop or gym, but have been too afraid to speak to. Is there a place you have wanted to travel to, but have never made the time? What could you do to save/budget the money to actually set a goal and then go for it? Maybe you have been dreaming about pursuing another career, and you have been too afraid to allow yourself to think about pursuing it. Remember, tomorrow isn’t promised. What are you waiting for?

    On that note, I’ll close now. I’m sure there is nothing here you have not heard before, but I thought it would be good to point out what we might have overlooked in remembering the life and legacy of this remarkable man.

    May God bless and keep you.

    T Ramsey
    © 2009


  1. Great post Trina!

    You make many good points about life. Michael Jackson was a talented yet tragic figure. We all should be thankful for wht we have because he is a classic case of money can't buy you happiness. Life is too short to squander it...


  2. Its nice to be reminded about some of the good things he did.
