About Me

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Alexandria, VA
I am a busy working mom. Professionally I am a lifecoach,nonprofit fundraiser & manager, writer and editor. Most of my career has been in the nonprofit industry. I have done a few other things here and there along the way, which contribute to my background as a coach. I have two bold and beautiful children who add tremendously to my life. In 2009 I "put out my shingle" as a lifecoach. Reaching this milestone in my life is an acknowledgment of who I am authentically, and will allow me to use my experiences and innate gifts to help others. It's an exciting time in my life. I'm sure you'll hear more about it here.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

5 Things to Do To Make Your Dreams a Reality


“We all have our own life to pursue, our own kind of dream to be weaving. And we all have some power to make wishes come true, as long as we keep believing.”- Louisa May Alcot

When was the last time you allowed yourself to dream? I’m not talking about the dreams that you have at night, but dreams of your future. The ideas that you hold close to your heart but may be too scared to even utter to yourself. Do you have any dreams like that?

I will admit it… I am a dreamer. I believe in the power of human possibility and I am encouraged and energized each time I hear a story or meet someone who has stepped out on faith and taken the path “less traveled”.

So again I ask… when is the last time you let yourself dream? Did you do anything about it? Are you living in that reality or taking active steps to realize your dreams? If so, CONGRATULATIONS. I would love to hear about your experience! If you don’t mind sharing please contact me at tramsey43@gmail.com.

If you haven’t taken a step to realize your dreams, what’s holding you back? Is it fear of failure, negative self-talk, or not knowing how to get started? I firmly believe that in order to live life more fully, you must do the following things:

5 Things to Do To Make Your Dreams a Reality.

1. Remember that you have the power to choose your response to any situation. Perspective is a powerful tool, and Faith in God and in yourself makes all the difference! Is your glass half full or half empty?

2. Build your “risk taking” muscle. Challenge yourself to take on new things and new experiences. Start with small things (like going places solo, talking to someone you are interested in), and move up to bigger and bigger challenges (like writing that business plan or deciding to move to a new city).

3. Take time to tap into your inner voice. When is the last time you spent some quiet time alone? The pace of our world is lightning fast and so much competes for our attention! Intentionally spend time getting to know you… what makes you tick? Journal about it!

4. Cultivate a positive attitude. This is KEY. You can’t embrace your dreams if you are always thinking negatively. Work on shifting your perspective and after a while it will become habit!

5. Take action! What is ONE SMALL STEP that you can take TODAY to get started? Do it! And tomorrow take ANOTHER step, and so on… Dreams can only be realized if you act on them!

About Trina:

Trina is a busy mother of two, fundraiser by day and career and life coach by night. Perspectives Plus Coaching works with individuals and groups to help them set goals, overcome challenges, and take things to the next level! Available for speaking engagements. For more information visit http://tinyurl.com/coachTrina or email Trina at tramsey43@gmail.com

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